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ACR+ took part in the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Workshop in Brussels

08 May 2023 ACR+ News

On 25 April, ACR+ participated to the Zero Pollution Stakeholder Workshop “Towards an urban and regional scoring methodology for zero pollution”. The event took place in Brussels and was organised by DG Environment, in collaboration with the European Committee of the Regions and DG Regio. During the meeting, participants discussed on the content requirements for a Zero Pollution Scoreboard, which will be developed in the course of 2023. The scoreboard will serve as a clear communication instrument providing information on several environmental and pollution indicators, for air, water, soils and ecosystems. The tool will be developed for cities and regions, in relation to the EU Zero Pollution Action Plan flagship 2 (urban zero pollution action) and 3 (zero pollution across regions). If you are a city or region interested in potentially accessing the Zero Pollution Scoreboard, please write to Agnese Boccalon ( 

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