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ACR+ starts its 25th anniversary celebration with a new logo

24 June 2019 Content

ACR25 webWith such an anniversary as 25 years to celebrate, it was the perfect occasion to adopt a new logo, at least temporarily. Participants of ACR+ General Assembly 2019 could vote on their favorite design, amongst 5 proposals. The selected logo will be used throughout the year on ACR+ communication materials to show that ACR+ is now 25. It incorporates elements from the original ACR+ logo while offering a new vision inspired by circular economy. In this way, and as underlined by the moto associated to the logo “Inspiring circular cities since 1994”, it shows that ACR+ has been active for a long time in the field of sustainable resource management.
ACR+ members are warmly invited to proudly show that they are part of the network by adding the logo to their websites, presentations, etc. You can download it on the Member Space. Should you need a different format, do not hesitate in contacting us.
ACR+ will also celebrate its anniversary by launching a campaign, the so-called Carbon Campaign, to measure the CO2 emissions associated with waste generation throughout the entire lifecycle of products. Targeted at its members but open to all, the campaign will use a tool developed by Zero Waste Scotland, the Carbon Metric. Set in motion at the General Assembly 2019, the Carbon Campaign will be launched in November 2019 during the European Week for Waste Reduction (EWWR). More information will soon be shared with members.

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