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ACR+ position on public procurement directives

With its extensive expertise in supporting public authorities in their transition towards circularity, ACR+ welcomes the European Commission’s (EC) initiative to revise the public procurement directives.

This revision presents a crucial opportunity to unlock the full potential of public procurement as a strategic tool for achieving sustainable and resilient EU, in line with its climate and environmental objectives. To maximise impact, the revision must be accompanied by technical and financial support for contracting authorities, ensuring that public procurement drives the development of lead markets for decarbonised products and accelerates the transition to a circular economy. 

Our priorities

Our position paper emphasises:

  • Prioritising quality and sustainability over the lowest price in procurement decisions
  • Introducing mandatory Green Public Procurement (GPP) criteria and targets to ensure environmental and social impact
  • Simplifying and modernising procedures to support SMEs, start-ups, and innovative solutions
  • Strengthening cross-border procurement and local supply chains to unlock the full potential of the EU single market
  • Providing financial and technical support to help public authorities implement sustainable procurement practices

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