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ACR+ joined the first World Circular Economy Forum in the global South

19 December 2022 ACR+ News

From 6-8 December, ACR+ was present at the 2022 edition of the World Circular Economy Forum, organised in Kigali (Rwanda). The Forum involved climate and economic experts, businesses, international organisations, National Environmental Authorities from all over the world to promote a transition towards a circular approach in terms of consumption and production. ACR+ had the opportunity to follow several panels that analysed the role of businesses, governments, and regional authorities, also underlying the involvement of youth, in shaping the future of our planet. The role of Africa was at the core and it was interesting for ACR+ to learn about the relevant aspects that can facilitate the inclusion of circular economy in the future African development strategies. Fostering the indigenous and already circular traditional practices, supporting public authorities to mainstream circularity, bringing biodiversity at the center of circular economy, creating legal polices to hep and enable circular businesses, improving the collaboration among private and public sectors, promoting nature-based solution are only some of the key aspects mentioned that could guide Africa and the whole world towards the Sustainable Development Goals. As declared by the Rwandan environment minister Jeanne d’Arc Mujawamariya, developing countries should encourage the involvement of youth, innovators and entrepreneurs into the national and local circular strategies “without repeating the same mistakes made by the industrialized nations”.

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