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ACR+ joined the conference "How to optimise the collection and separation of municipal waste in Portugal"

13 March 2023 ACR+ News

ACR+ travelled to Lisbon to participate in the conference "How to optimise the collection and separation of municipal waste in Portugal", in the framework of 3R2CE project. The project targets the three areas “Reduce, Reuse and Recycle” to advance a circular economy in Portugal. Actions include strengthening material efficiency, exploring options for the improved management of specific waste streams, and assessing urban waste infrastructures capacities. 

ACR+ shared good practices on incentives to citizens engagement in waste separation and on circular public procurement. For both topics, we presented an overview of the EU state of art, based on ACR+ Observatory on municipal waste performances, and the ProCirc project and the work done on circular procurement with the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform. 

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