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ACR+ joined the 10th anniversary of DASTRI healthcare waste organisation

12 December 2022 ACR+ News

ACR+ joined the 10th anniversary of DASTRI during an event on 7 December that the EPR system organised to present an overview of its activities. Created ten years ago to collect and treat perforating healthcare waste from self-treated patients, the DASTRI system has demonstrated its effectiveness in responding to public health issues. ACR+ member Cercle national du recyclage participated in the round table discussion, emphasising that the smooth functioning of the system depends on the support of patients.
Since 2013, the tonnage of conventional patient waste collected and treated by the eco-organisation has increased from 25 tonnes to 1,778 tonnes in 2022. In ten years, the number of potential beneficiaries has increased by almost 30%. The network of collection points has more than quadrupled to offer patients a real local service. France now has 20,239 collection points, whereas the initial specifications required 5,000. Finally, nine years after its first approval, DASTRI was approved at the end of 2021 to take charge of electronic medical waste (e-DASRI) from connected medical devices, the use of which is increasing with the growth of e-health. The next step now is to introduce more circularity (and therefore recycling) in the system, especially considering the important increase of electronic medical waste.
Discover more about the 10 years of the organisation here.

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