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ACR+ at the World Circular Economy Forum 2024 

ACR+ will participate in and provide coverage of the 8th World Circular Economy Forum taking place in Brussels from 15 to 18 April 2024, with the aim of translating circular visions into actionable steps. This 2024 edition introduces hands-on workshops and collaborations with key stakeholders in Brussels, including the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Conference and the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. ACR+ Secretary General will take part in the session titled "The Circular Economy We Want for Europe 2024-2029" on 15 April, exploring the role of the circular economy in addressing climate change and competitiveness in Europe. Participants will analyse gaps in current policy frameworks, highlighting areas requiring urgent EU action for a sustainable future.  

Additionally, our member Zero Waste Scotland is organising an accelerator session focusing on empowering local communities to drive circular transformation, scheduled for 17 April at the Musee Art & Histoire in Brussels. Discussions will emphasise the pivotal role of cities, regions and local communities in translating national circular economy goals into actionable initiatives. Register here. 

Finally, on 25 April, a WCEF Studio will be held in the city of Hamburg, featuring the DECISO project. Hamburg will mark the reopening of the Pop-Up Circular Hub (PUCH). From April to December 2024, the PUCH will serve as a central location for circular economy initiatives in Hamburg, providing workshops, panel discussions, exhibitions, advisory services, and a co-working space. More details here.

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