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ACR+ and Energy Cities strategic partnership

23 January 2023 Content

ACREC announce partnership banner

Since January 2023, ACR+ and Energy Cities have entered into a strategic partnership.

Energy Cities is the European learning community for future-proof cities. Sharing the same work ethics and principles for actions, the two networks unite forces and expertise to support even further local and regional governments and agencies in their ambition to reinvent their territory’s prosperity within planet boundaries.

What does it mean concretely?

In addition to common initiatives and actions organised by both networks, all ACR+ members have access to the services and activities of Energy Cities, and reciprocally.

As a member of ACR+, you now can benefit – free of extra charges – from the exclusive services Energy Cities offers, and multiply your networking, learning, and funding opportunities.

What does Energy Cities offer?

Energy Cities’ Hubs, to activate, empower and inspire local leaders towards a climate-neutral Europe.

Five community spaces where you will find thematic resources, policy briefs, build partnerships and share experience in the following fields:

EC hubs

A wide range of activities and opportunities are provided within each Hub:

  • WHAT’S EUp?The latest information on EU policy developments Energy Cities
    What’s EUp programme delivers policy briefs for local policy makers with key updates on major EU policy files linked with each Hub.
  • MAYORS’ VOICESAn open dialogue between citizens, local leaders, EU and national governments
    Via the Mayors’ Voices, local political leaders take part in discussions with key EU policy makers on concrete proposals in support of cities’ climate transition.
  • TRANSITION LEADERS’ PROGRAMMECapacity building to go the extra mile!
    The transition leaders programme is designed to provide our members with training, coaching, tools and peer-to-peer exchanges to facilitate their transition journey.
  • MARKETPLACEFacilitated access to EU funding
    Info sessions, matchmaking events and project ideas labs for our members on a regular basis. We also run competitive calls for funding on specific topics.

How to enjoy your extra-services?

Register here to join one or more of the Energy Cities' Hubs!

If you would like to receive more information about Energy Cities initiatives and activities, please send your request to Marta Arosio ( specifying that you are an ACR+ member.

We hope you will make use of this amazing opportunity to get more expertise on the transition towards climate neutrality!


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