
The WES – Water and Environment Support in the ENI Southern Neighbourhood Region – project is a regional project that aims at protecting the environment and improving the management of scarce water resources in the Mediterranean region. Among the key objectives of WES is to tackle problems related to pollution prevention and water use efficiency.

Project funded by the European Commission under the EuropAid programme, 2019 - 2023.

The project's purpose is to contribute to increase the capacity of various stakeholders involved in pollution reduction and water management in order to support them in formulating and implementing environmental and water policies. WES will be building on the experience gained through the predecessor projects, the “Sustainable Water Integrated Management and Horizon 2020 Support Mechanism” (SWIM-H2020 SM) project 2016-2019 and the “Sustainable Water Integrated Management Support Mechanism (SWIM SM) project 2010-2015. It strives for increasing the capacities of stakeholders and creating the conditions for knowledge exchange and ownership in the Partner Countries. The countries covered are Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia.



The project activities will support the agenda of the Union for the Mediterranean on Environment and Water and the objectives of the Barcelona Convention concerning the Mediterranean marine and coastal environmental protection.

ACR+ will contribute to the promotion of circular economy, supporting the implementation of the Green Economy roadmap with a focus on the Solid Waste Management sector and participating in consolidating activities on Green public procurement. It will contribute to the work on the prevention and reduction of industrial pollution and the access to sustainable investment by means of technical assistance for the promotion of Green entrepreneurship, circular economy and green banking and technical assistance on sustainable medical waste management.

Finally, ACR+ will contribute to manage the activities on construction and demolition waste (C&DW) and waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), as well as the decentralized management of organic waste.


The WES project has started a technical assistance activity to support Jordan to implement its green and circular economy agenda. It will particularly address the reduction of Single-Use Plastics (SUPs) by developing a joint public-private roadmap. A team of experts led by ACR+ will provide their knowledge on sustainable production and recycling practices in regards to SUPs as well as on relevant policy measures and financial options for curbing the SUPs consumption and paving the way for a gradual phase-out.


WES’s project leader is LDK, LDK Consultants GLOBAL EEIG (GR), and its project partners are:

  • ACR+, Association of Cities and Regions for sustainable Resource management (BE)
  • MIO - ECSDE, Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (GR)
  • ARC*, Catalan Waste Agency (hosting institution of Regional Activity Centre for Sustainable Consumption and Production SCP/RAC) (ES)
  • RAED, Arab Network for Environment and Development (EG)
  • CIHEAM, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari (IT)
  • GOPA, Gopa Infra GmbH (DE)
  • HASKONING, Royal Haskoning DHV Nederland B.V. (NL)
  • RAMBOLL, Ramboll Denmark A/S (DK)

*ACR+ member

Organisers / Managers