Policy and Governance

This is the ACR+ cross-cutting Thematic Area, given its interlinkages with all other themes. As the name suggests, there are two main pillars:
- The first revolves around the various instruments that local and regional authorities have at their disposal to foster the circular economy. These tools encompass a wide array of competences, ranging from land use planning to waste management. We also promote soft measures, such as empowering local sustainable businesses and engaging with citizens to raise awareness on critical topics.
- The second refers to the different governance levels working together for better policy making. Thus, it refers to the work needed to empower local and regional authorities vis a vis national and EU level, matching their responsibilities with their resources already from the policy design stage.
This thematic area is open only to ACR+ members. If you are not a member and would like to join or know more about its activities, please contact us.

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