
Encouraging Local Initiatives For Sustainable Lifestyles in Enlarged Europe


To raise awareness of local and regional authorities in the newly enlarged Europe on the role that they may play to promote lifestyles having less environmental impacts in terms of consumption of natural resources and of generation of waste.

To provide these authorities with communication tools to develop campaigns that raise awareness of the general public on the impacts of lifestyles on the consumption of natural resources and generation of waste.


12 months from April 2004

This project receives financial support from the European Community.




Organisation of an International Conference in Turku, Finland, on 28 and 29 October 2004 « Towards waste-free lifestyles – European conference on local authority action »  - Download the FR programme and the proceedings

Production of communication tools and dissemination of a CD-Rom for the use of local and regional authorities


  • UBC: Union of Baltic Cities – Environment Commission Secretariat,Finland
  • City of Turku, Finland
  • RRF: Resource Recovery Forum,United-Kingdom
  • ISD: Instytut na rzecz Ekorozwoju – Institute for Sustainable Development, Poland