Circular Lifestyles


This Thematic Area is about connecting the dots of circularity on your territory by making citizens, consumers, and producers care and be involved to boost a local sustainable consumption and production. From supporting stakeholders to instigate new models based on maximising the potential of resources and designing out of waste to using a wide array of drivers such as tourism, sport and cultural events to steer a green transition, this thematic area encompasses a wide diversity of initiatives and projects. Define your role as a game changer to speed up the transition while maintaining a holistic approach balancing economic competitiveness, environmental sustainability, and social inclusion.

Initiatives and projects that contribute to this area and portfolio want to examine behaviour, assess consumption patterns and challenge the status quo and provoke behavioural change. A cross-sectoral cooperation is needed in order to allow them to do so.



ACR+ latest involvement was in capacity building activities among SMEs in the sector. Similar baseline scenario and behaviour assessment as well as complex screening and mapping exercises were carried out in the field of sports and event management in general. ACR+ is now combining all the acquired intelligence and its expertise to help public authorities tapping into this area to reinforce the implementation of their strategies among the less-obvious industries and occurrences on their territories.project is based on the exchange of European regional experiences and the discussion of ideas for resolving current policy challenges. ACR+ is involved in the project as a partner under the lead of its member the Navarre region.

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Interested in the topic? You can have a look at the following resources: