
The APPRICOD project - Assessing the Potential of Plastic Recycling in Construction and Demolition Activities aimed at developing a partnership between various European actors to promote the selective collection of plastic waste from construction and demolition (C&D) activities.

Project co-funded by the European Commission under the LIFE-Environment programme, 2003 - 2006.

APPRICOD aims to optimise the selective collection of plastic waste from C&D sites, to evaluate the costs associated with the selective collection of plastic C&D waste and to disseminate at European level examples of sustainable management of plastic C&D waste.

To achieve its objectives a variety of sorting and selective collection scenarios were evaluated in pilot projects.


ACR+ and the partners have contributed to the project, notably through the analysis and description of the legal framework and of the practical organisation of the C&D waste management in several European countries (Germany, Austria, the Netherlands and Denmark). The project has constituted one of the important activities in 2006 since ACR+ was responsible for drawing conclusions from the actions implemented and for the dissemination of the project results.

In order to do so, ACR+ with the contribution of IBGE-BIM have organised a European Worskhop held in Brussels on 24th April 2006.

Get involved!

ACR+ has produced a summary leaflet, as well as a guide entitled “Towards Sustainable Plastic Construction and Demolition Waste Management in Europe”.

The objectives of this guide are:

to provide information on the technical, environmental and economic aspects of plastic C&D waste management
to give an insight view on current leading experiences for plastic C&D waste sorting and recycling based on the European and specific national legal and financial frameworks
to learn from the experience of the pilot-projects carried out at local and regional level as part of the Life project APPRICOD. These pilot projects aimed at implementing different scenarios for sorting and selectively collecting plastic C&D waste
to draft practical recommendations towards public authorities, especially local and regional authorities and good practices for the C&D sector with the common objective of promoting plastic C&D waste sorting and recycling

The guide “Towards Sustainable Plastic Construction and Demolition Waste Management in Europe” is available in 6 languages: EN; FR; CAT; PT; IT; NL.

Table of contents : EN; FR; CAT; PT; IT, NL.

The leaflet, which summerizes the project, is available in: EN; FR; ES; CAT; PT; IT; NL.


This project is based on a partnership between local and regional authorities, European federations of plastics industry, and the construction and demolition sector.

Local and regional authorities:

  • ACR+: Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling and sustainable Resource management, Belgium
  • ARC : Agència de Residus de Catalunya , Spain
  • IBGE-BIM: Brussels Institute for the Management of the Environment, Belgium
  • LIPOR : Serviço Intermunicipalizado de Gestão de Resíduos do Grande Porto, Portugal
  • Provincia di Ancona, Italia

Construction and demolition sector:

  • BBRI: Belgian Building Research Institute, Belgium
  • CCB-C : Brussel Confederation of Construction, Belgium
  • EDA: European Demolition Association, The Netherlands

Plastics industry :

  • PlasticsEurope, formerly APME: Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe, Belgium
  • ECVM: European Confederation of Vinyl Manufacturers, Belgium
  • EuPC: European Plastics Converters, Belgium
  • EuPR: European Plastics Recyclers, Belgium

Coordinator : IBGE-BIM: Brussels Institute for the Management of the Environment, Belgium