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Climate Chance Europe Africa Summit 2025

Climate Chance is co-organising, with the city of Marseille, the Climate Chance Europe Africa 2025 Summit on the theme "Adaptation: taking action", on 31 March and 1 April at the Palais du Pharo in Marseille. This will be the most important gathering ever held on the challenges of adapting to climate change.


The objectives of the meeting:

  •  To help strengthen adaptation policies in France and the European Union
  • Strengthen dialogue and cooperation between non-state actors involved in adaptation issues
  • Strengthen dialogue between Europe and Africa
  • Mobilising civil society in Marseille and the surrounding area.


The main themes:


    Deepening our knowledge to enhance the effectiveness of adaptation to climate change.
    Transforming the economy and public action to provide sustainable responses to climate challenges.
    Strengthening territories to develop local adaptation solutions.
    Cooperation between Europe and Africa for effective adaptation to climate change.


The Summit programme will explore each of these sub-themes from a variety of angles, providing a comprehensive and in-depth view of the issues at stake and the solutions to be implemented.

The summit will highlight the adaptation practices and solutions already in place, emphasing the efforts being made at the local level.


The 2-day event will feature a rich programme of plenary sessions, round tables, workshops, pitches and events, a variety of themes, presentations and feedback from experts and players in the field, inviting players to share climate resilience strategies and draw inspiration from African initiatives.

Call for contributions open from 12 December 2024 to 14 February 2025!

Climate Chance is calling on the actors committed to adapting to climate change in Europe and to Europe/Africa cooperation on adaptation, to share their initiatives and innovations at the next Climate Chance Europe Africa 2025 Marseille Summit!

  • The aim of this call for contributions is to identify best, innovative practices that can be replicated on the largest possible scale in Europe and Africa.
  • If you are a local authority, a company, an association, a trade union, a scientific body, a youth or women’s organisation, a farmers’ organisation, an educator or a citizen, submit your climate action and cooperation project and join our global climate action community!
Monday 31 March 2025
21:00 - 17:00 (GMT +1)

Monday 31 March 2025
21:00 - 17:00 (GMT +1)
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