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Built Environment Meet up #1

Organised by "Built Environment"

Why would a network of cities and regions promoting circular economy tackle the topic of built environment? After years of focusing rather on the need of an energy transition for buildings, the discussion is moving to connecting the scarcity of our material resources and energy efficiency. Material resources play a strategic role in the building sector and of course in the overall development of cities and regions. In the last year, ACR+ has chosen Built Environment among its 5 Thematic Areas and has investigated the latest and most innovative initiatives and policies that can guide cities and regions to include circularity across their built spaces.

It’s now time to boost the exchange among ACR+ members interested or already active on the topic. We are happy to announce the launch of a series of online meetings, which will focus on gathering good practices based on the specific needs and challenges of the members. Experts and key stakeholders will be invited to join the meetings and to engage with the participants presenting innovative solutions and inspiring initiatives related to construction and demolition waste management, but also practices for the sustainable urban land use, policies to extend the life of existing buildings and projects for the integration of energy efficiency with circular material resource management.

The first meet-up was the occasion to express interest in the thematic area and a willingness to be involved in future activities and opportunities. Participants were asked to outline the main challenges they were facing in terms of resource management in the built environment, and the solutions or topics they wanted ACR+ to investigate and support them in developing.

Furthermore, this was the occasion to present the first exchange opportunity, that will be organised on 9-10 October in Marseille, in the framework of the Inertwaste project. As ACR+ member, you will have the opportunity to join the project partners in 2-days of presentations and study visits of good practices on the integration of circular economy in construction contracts to facilitate a sustainable management of the C&D waste.

If you missed this first meeting but would like to join the Built Environment Thematic Area and have access to a summary of the meeting, please contact Serena Lisai ( 

Wednesday 18 September 2024
10:00 - 11:00 (GMT +1)


Wednesday 18 September 2024
10:00 - 11:00 (GMT +1)
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