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The LIFE SMART Waste projectSmarter Regulation of Waste in Europe – set an innovative pan-European partnership between key bodies involved with addressing waste crime.

The project was funded under the LIFE+ programme and it runs from June 2014 until May 2020.



During nearly six years, the LIFE SMART Waste project developed and demonstrated innovative ways of understanding, tackling and reducing the issue of waste crime. For an highlight of this work, read the project’s final newsletter featuring the Layman's report summarising LIFE SMART Waste’s work, results and recommendations; INTERPOL’s strategic analysis report on global plastic waste management; the project’s final conference… It also gives a glimpse of the capacity-building resources that can be used to help predict emerging criminality in waste markets, detect problematic waste operators and enable more effective collaboration to address waste crime. All the resources will be available on the project's website (until May 2025).



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DECISIVE logo low resThe DECISIVE project – A DECentralised management Scheme for Innovative Valorisation of urban biowastE – aimed to help with the reform of urban waste management systems for our ever-growing cities and populations. 

Project co-funded by the European Commission, under the Horizon 2020 programme. 2016 - 2020



The DECISIVE final conference took place in September 2020, the developers and practitioners of the DECISIVE scheme for decentralised biowaste management shared their experiences, conclusions and suggestion for the way forward. One way of learning more on DECISIVE is to watch the series of webinars.



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The Circular Europe Network (CEN) is a specific initiative on circular economy launched by ACR+ in order to support local and regional authorities in being ambitious on circular economy and will, therefore, support and help them to adopt aspiring circular economy strategies.



As part of the Coordination Group of the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP), and more specifically as leader of a Leadership Group dedicated to Cities and Regions, ACR+ has been actively involved in the organisation of the Platform’s annual conference, which took place online on 3 and 4 November. In particular, ACR+ co-organised two workshops on the second day of the conference, in cooperation with some of its members and other ECESP partners.


Interested in joining the Circular Europe Network?  It is simple, become an ACR+ member and benefit from the CEN work and results!


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Logo LIFE TACKLEThe LIFE TACKLE project – Teaming-up for A Conscious Kick for the Legacy of Environment – aimed to increase the awareness and to improve the practices of sports events key actors in order to improve waste management during football events.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s LIFE programme under grant agreement LIFE17 GIE/IT/000611 TACKLE. 2018 - 2021



The LIFE TACKLE event organised by ACR+ and EURACTIV, presented the project’s achievements in Roi Baudouin stadium, one of the project’s the 11 pilot stadiums, and open the doors to future collaborations and follow up of the project. The event highlighted the new waste management plan at Roi Baudouin stadium and which is one of the outcomes of the TACKLE activities in Brussels.



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LIFE FUTURE – Sustainable Urban FUrniTURE: Tool design to perform environmental assessments in the green procurement framework – was a 2.5 year European project that started in 2015, co-funded with support from the LIFE financial instrument of the European Union. It was led by a consortium of 6 partners, including ACR+, representing both public authorities and research institutes.

Project co-funded by the European Commission under the LIFE+ programme, 2015 - 2018.


Did you know that the GUF Tool has been used for real green public procurement? In València (Spain), 71 benches were bought after a tender generated with the GUF Tool. Similarly, Koprivnica (Croatia) purchased with the GUF Tool 2 benches, 3 flower pots, and 2 waste bins.

The GUF Tool is now open and available to all. Public authorities, manufacturers can use it to make their own tender or submit environmentally friendly products.




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