
Logo EPR Club small 100x195

The EPR Club was created as an ACR+ initiative supported financially and technically by ACR+ members. Today the EPR Club has an open membership gathering a wide range of stakeholders, including public authorities, producer organisations, industry federations, waste management companies, NGOs.

The EPR Club is a multi-stakeholder platform for exchange of knowledge and dissemination of good EPR practices amongst key European stakeholders and experts, including the European institutions. The aim is to foster dialogue on policy developments and technical implementation of EPR schemes in order to bring forward European legislation and policy on EPR.

The EPR Club was launched in June 2012, with the support of the European Commission.


The EPR Club is happy to announce the reactivation of our series of events with an engaging Lunch-Debate, aimed at kickstarting our activities. We are seizing this opportunity to reconvene our club, discuss pivotal developments, and outline our plans for the rest of this crucial European Union election year.


Interested in joining the EPR Club?  It is simple, become an ACR+ member or an EPR Club member!


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