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ProCirc – Circular Procurement: Accelerate circular economy through procurement power, alliance- and capacity building – was a 3.5 year Interreg North Sea Region project that started in 2018, co-funded by the Regional Development Fund of the European Union. It was led by a consortium of 11 partners, including ACR+, representing both public authorities and research institutes.

Project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, 2018 - 2022.


ProCirc is now over after 4.5 years of activities and accompanying over 30 pilots. The project organised 2 closing events gathering a wide range of stakeholders to discuss and present the project’s conclusions. In June, ProCirc published its final report, the Compendium for Transnational Circular Procurement Scale Up, summarising outputs of the ProCirc project into five stakeholder groups: procurers, managers, policymakers, suppliers, and value chain actors.


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