Dialogue meeting on plastic and circular economy

From 31 Mai 2024 10:00 until 31 Mai 2024 11:30
At Online
Categories: Projects' events

The use or non-use of plastic is a “hot” topic and in many cases, it brings out emotions. The impact and challenges of plastic waste are well documented.  By just doing a search on the topic on Google an avalanche of responses is triggered. As we cannot pull all plastic out of the oceans, bury it into the ground or burn it we must focus on other solutions and behavioral changes. This webinar gathered actors having applied and offering innovative solutions to avoid / reduce / reuse / recycle plastic waste. The topics of this webinar were:

  • The product Life Cycle Analyses (LCA) and the role of plastic
  • Can buying and user behaviors be changed?
  • Fruitful business models for both companies and the environment




This webinar is organized in co-operation between the three projects BRINC - Brokering cross-border innovation through clusters, Circular Ocean-bound Plastic (COP)  and Retail ReLooped.



Webinar 2024 05 31


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