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Study on regulations affecting the collaborative short-term accommodation sector in the EU

As part of the European Commission's effort to monitor the development of the collaborative economy, a study was undertaken to assess regulation affecting the collaborative economy in the short-term accommodation sector.
This study aims to provide a description and preliminary assessment of the regulatory environment in EU countries while taking into account the dynamics and on-going changes in the sector.
There are 5 components to the study:
- Description of the regulatory environment surrounding the collaborative economy in the short-term accommodation sector
- Legal assessment of the regulatory framework for providers of accommodation services and for online collaborative platforms active in the field
- Assessment of the degree of restrictiveness/openness of the regulatory environment in the collaborative economy (providers and platforms)
- Report providing an overview of the development and impact of the short-term accommodation rental sector. This report is built on 11 market case studies
- Final report on best practices for the collaborative economy in the short-term accommodation sector


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