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Governance and planning

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Climate Change, Governance and planning
Eco Consumption, Eco Production, Governance and planning, Land use and soil, Organic, Urban planning
Financial support, Governance and planning
Governance and planning

The main objective of the CIRCTER project is to provide evidence on the territorial dimension of the transition towards a Circular Economy and to provide evidence on local and regional patterns and flows of materials, including resources and waste. The analysis of the territorial dimension aims to cover changes in resource use, design, production, distribution, consumption and waste management. In addition, it aims to provide input to European regions and cities on their potential for implementing steps towards a circular economy.

This annex of the CIRCTER project final report presents the individual case studies in the CIRCTER project, namely:
• Scotland - Circular economy strategy “Making Things Last” (by Prognos, Belgium)
• Maribor - The WCYCLE strategy (by ACR+, Belgium)
• Brussels - Regional Plan for a Circular Economy 2016-2020 (by Technopolis, Belgium)
• Basque Country circular economy initiatives (by Tecnalia Research and Innovation, Spain)
• Sicily - Industrial symbiosis platform (by KnowlEdge, Italy)
• Central Germany - The Bioeconomy Cluster (by Wuppertal Institut, Germany)

Governance and planning, Instruments
Eco Consumption, Eco Design, Governance and planning, Reuse and preparing for reuse, Urban planning, Waste collection, Waste prevention
Global sustainable issues, Governance and planning, Resource scarcity, Waste prevention

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