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Circular Jobs: Understanding Employment in the Circular Economy in the Netherlands

A transition to the circular economy is essential to fight climate change, resource depletion, and achieve inclusive growth. The circular development of cities plays a pivotal role in this transition and provides unique opportunities for a sustainable future. To ensure that policy makers and governments know how and where to implement the circular economy, practical tools to measure it must be created. In light of this, Circle Economy and the Erasmus Research Institute for Happiness Economics (Ehero, part of the Erasmus University Rotterdam) have spearheaded research on employment in the circular economy. This report defines the key jobs in the circular economy and presents a standardised and replicable methodology to measure and monitor circular employment in cities around the world. This could provide cities with insights into circular employment in terms of shifting labour markets and changing demands for knowledge and skills. The presented method therefore empowers cities and governments that are transitioning to circularity, by providing them with a tool to effectively invest in the jobs of the future.


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