Bruxelles Propreté 80px

A year ago, Bruxelles-Propreté introduced administrative transactions. This procedure allows agents to offer offenders a quicker resolution for certain pollution acts, aiming to keep streets cleaner and improve residents' living conditions. Previously, waste-related offenses could lead to lengthy judicial procedures, lasting from 6 months to over a year. Now, agents can propose avoiding legal action by providing a payment option within 2 weeks, making the process much faster. 
Initially applied to cigarette butt littering, the measure has shown positive results. Between June and December 2023, 362 transaction proposals were made, totaling EUR 27 745, with a payment rate of over 70%. In early 2024, 247 proposals were made, with EUR 11 200 collected from a total of EUR 17 775, achieving a 65% collection rate. Starting 1 September 2024, the transaction will also cover sorting violations (except hazardous materials), can littering, and other small waste offenses. 
Source: (in French) 
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