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Paris invites residents to share their opinions on the revision of the Local Household Waste Prevention Program (PLPDMA) until 13 September via the "Decide for Paris" platform. This strategic document, revised every six years, aims to reduce waste through measures like sorting, reuse centers, and composting. Despite collecting nearly a million tonnes of waste annually, with 450 kg per resident in 2022, and efforts to reduce and recycle, much waste is still incinerated or landfilled. To achieve a reduction of 100 000 tonnes of waste per year, Paris needs everyone's ideas. 
Key figures of the PLPDMA 2017-2023 include a 16.5% reduction in household waste from 2010 to 2020, the doubling of composting sites, and an increase in reusable collection to 3 676 tonnes in 2022. Additionally, the administration reduced paper consumption by two-thirds and graphic paper distribution by 34%, and 300 000 residents were educated on waste sorting and reduction. However, there was an observed increase in packaging waste and the persistence of textiles and hazardous waste in household trash. 
Source:  (in French)  


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