CITEO's new campaign "We Don't Give Up!" targets littering, which severely degrades the environment and biodiversity. The campaign aims to change perceptions of litter, emphasising that anyone can accidentally litter due to negligence or habit. It encourages proper waste management: collecting, storing, sorting or disposing of waste responsibly. The campaign, launched on 9 June on TV, uses humor and coaching to remind citizens of their role in combating litter. It includes TV ads depicting relatable scenarios, interviews on social media, trailers, and contextual movie posters to engage the public. Additionally, an innovative street campaign involves "coaches" motivating passersby to avoid littering. The campaign complements CITEO's support for local authorities and public actors, providing financial aid and resources for better waste management and urban cleanliness. In 2023, 517 agreements were signed, covering nearly 20% of the metropolitan population, with EUR 55 million in financial support. 
Source: (in French) 



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