The second edition of the Catalunya Circular Congress took place on 11 and 12 June, organised by the Department of Climate Action, Food, and Rural Agenda of the Catalan government, with the participation of the Catalan Waste Agency (ARC). This event has established itself as a key meeting point for the most influential public and private sector actors in the circular and regenerative economy in Catalonia. 

The first day featured various roundtables with over 30 speakers from public, private, and third-sector organisations. ACR+ was one of the speakers of the session focused on sharing experiences and advancing circular economy models at European, regional and local levels. On the second day, technical visits were organised in small groups to various companies across Catalonia that are leaders in circular strategies and business models. These visits allowed participants to see firsthand examples of circular design and business practices that extend product lifecycles. 

Source: (in Catalan) 
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