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Ayuntamiento de Barcelona 80px

Selective waste collection in the Bon Pastor neighbourhood of ACR+ member Barcelona Municipality has been improved with portable containers installed at three strategic points for a few hours a day. The system has been under trial since April and forms part of the Zero Waste Strategy, which includes various measures on the prevention, reduction, re-use and selective collection of waste. The selective collection of paper and cardboard increased from 354 kg to 479 kg (35% increase), for plastic packaging it increased from 175 kg to 231 kg (32% increase), and for glass, it raised from 102 kg to 146 kg (43% increase). Regarding organic waste, its volume has dropped from 2,652 kg to 1,170 kg, but its selective quality has improved. Unsuitable waste elements, which make it very difficult to give organic material a second life, have dropped from 18% to 6.8%.
Source: www.barcelona.cat

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