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Wallonia 80px

The Environment Ministry of ACR+ Member Wallonia has presented the first pilot project of deconstruction-construction in Wallonia. It will take place in the framework of the “Coeur du Hainaut” territorial project on the site of Vanneaux in Colfontaine. It is fully in line with the waste policy of the region, which is combines circular economy principles with the Waste-Resource Plan of Wallonia. The part of this plan dedicated to recycling promotes deconstruction rather than demolition, based on Lansink’s ladder of waste hierarchy.

More specifically, the aim of the project is to dismantled the structure of an existing building (based on an inventory of the materials composing it) and re-use a high percentage of elements taken from this dismantling to erect a new building (an administrative centre for Colfontaine). A first multi-stakeholder working group has already been established for the purpose of this project, gathering research centres, architects, engineers, representative of the Environment ministry, etc.

Source: http://diantonio.wallonie.be (in French)

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