ACR+ has recently contributed to the European Commission’s consultation on the Social Climate Fund, underscoring the necessity of a decentralized approach to effectively address the unique needs of local and regional authorities (LRAs). The consultation aims to gather input on the operationalization of the Do No Significant Harm Principle and the requisite technical guidance for the fund, which is pivotal for advancing the social dimensions of the Green Deal. 

In its response, ACR+ highlights several key recommendations. These include robust capacity building and technical assistance for local authorities to meet Green Deal requirements, transparent certification processes to ensure genuine consultation with LRAs, and a structured dialogue between the EU and local and regional leaders to integrate their insights into policy decisions. Additionally, ACR+ advocates for sustainable consumption and production practices, such as making green products and food more affordable and implementing the polluter pays principle to reward eco-friendly behaviours. These measures aim to drive a just and inclusive transition towards a sustainable future. 
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