An ambitious legislative framework is crucial for addressing major soil threats across the EU. Therefore, ACR+ actively engaged in shaping the proposed Soil Monitoring Law through a public consultation initiated by the European Commission. While acknowledging the Commission's commitment to soil health recognition, ACR+ provided valuable feedback to enhance the legislative framework. Notably, ACR+ advocated for a comprehensive approach extending beyond soil contamination monitoring. ACR+ emphasised the importance of addressing critical soil threats such as erosion, climate-related events, and hydrogeological risks.

Additionally, ACR+ collaborated with the European Biogas Association, the European Compost Network, and the European Biochar Industry Consortium to send a joint letter to EU legislators. The letter strongly urged the integration of interlinked aspects into the proposed Soil Monitoring and Resilience Directive. Specifically, it recommended the introduction of a binding legal target for soil health to be achieved by 2050, accompanied by intermediate targets for 2030 and 2040.

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