In a concerted effort to shape Europe's sustainable future, ACR+ has been actively engaged in multiple advocacy initiatives alongside various partners and stakeholders.

The Local Alliance, formed by eight leading networks of European cities and regions including ACR+, calls in a joint letter on EU leaders to explore innovative approaches to successfully implement the European Green Deal locally, ensuring that cities and regions play a central role in attaining its objectives. Recently, during a meeting with the EU Commission Deputy Secretary General for Policy Coordination, the Alliance emphasised the need for enhanced internal coordination within the Commission to align policies and initiatives concerning sub-national authorities.

Teaming up with other European organisations, ACR+ has launched a manifesto advocating for the integration of sufficiency principles into EU policies. With endorsements from diverse sectors, this manifesto underscores the importance of sufficiency in enhancing resilience, reducing costs, and achieving climate and energy objectives. By embracing sufficiency at the EU level, structural changes can be catalysed, paving the way for a sustainable future across Europe.

ACR+ has lent its voice to a coalition urging European decision-makers to enact EU legislation on Sustainable Resource Management. This advocacy effort emphasises the necessity of binding EU material footprint reduction targets and sector-specific roadmaps to facilitate a transition towards a true circular economy. Strategies like sufficiency, repair, and reuse are championed to promote sustainable resource management practices at the EU level.

Addressing the pressing issue of textile waste, ACR+ has collaborated with leaders from international networks, NGOs, and national organisations across Europe. Led by RREUSE, an open letter to EU policymakers emphasises the pivotal role of the social economy in the ongoing revision of the Waste Framework Directive. By harnessing the potential of the social economy, policymakers aim to foster a just green transition, ensuring inclusivity and equity in sustainable development efforts.

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