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In November 2021, the European Week for Waste Reduction campaign inspired more than 12.400 actions in 30 countries on waste reduction, sharing economy, products reuse and repair, materials recycling, as well as clean-ups. Coordinators and action developers explored the role of circular communities and appreciated the benefits of collaboration and solidarity to build a less-waste world starting from the local level. Today, they are already looking at the new edition, which will focus on the important topic of textile. The campaign will explore on one side the impact that this sector has on our planet. While, on the other hand, it will inspire not only citizens as consumers to have an impact on this by, for instance, changing their way of using and buying clothes, but also public authorities, private companies and NGOs to be protagonists in the transition to a more circular textile industry by promoting, supporting and guiding new solutions of production, use, disposal, and reuse of the textile. 

In the meanwhile, do not miss the EWWR Ceremony Awards, which, after 2 years, will be back live in Brussels on 9 June from 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm CET. Stay tuned to reserve your seat and discover the best action of the 2021 edition. It will be also possible to follow the event online.

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