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Do you want to assess the potential of your territory for adopting Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) and Know-As-You-Throw (KAYT) models? A webinar organised by the REthinkWASTE project on 05 May from 10:00 to 12:00 CET will give some tips on how to improve urban waste governance through PAYT & KAYT.

During the webinar you will hear about the impact of the adoption of PAYT models in different EU cities, and the REthinkWASTE experts will introduce you to a Decision Support System and an Online Toolkit that will help you to understand if dynamic waste pricing models are suitable for your territory and how to plan their use in the most effective manner.

The webinar will also present Ecomondo, one of Europe's leading events for technological and industrial innovation to accelerate the ecological transition, and how it drives innovation trends in waste and resource solutions that facilitate the circular economy in cities.

Register here.

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