Preliminary data has emerged on total food waste figures for nine countries in Europe (Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Greece, Hungary, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia and Spain). These regions, partners and collaborators of the FOODRUS project, have collected quantitative data on annual food waste generated at the household level and, more generally, across the whole food supply chain in their respective countries.Results highlight three key findings. First, there exists a considerable variability across EU countries in the total volume of food waste generated at both value chain level (72-208 kg/per person/year) and household level (28-80 kg/per person/year). Second, a subsequent level of variability is also detected when comparing the ratio of food waste at household level to total food waste, with relative percentages varying from 29 to 49%. Third, most regions participating in the data collection process have shared the common challenge of being able to quantify food waste through existing data, differentiating across food waste generated at different supply chain stages.Source:

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