On 25 November the fourth episode, “Glass and the city. How to improve glass collection in big cities?", of the 90 Minutes to Close the Loop web series will take place. Launched by the European Close the Glass Loop Platform this series aims to discuss key topics regarding the glass collection and recycling value chain. This new episode is also part of this year's EWWR campaign on circular communities.

This episode will look into the Roadmap on Circular Urban Resource Management, created as part of the Urban Agenda for the EU. It offers cities and urban areas a structured, step-by-step approach to develop a plan of action that improves resource efficiency and drives the transition to a circular economy. Two European capitals (Ljubljana and Madrid) and one of the EPR Schemes of Germany will share their experience with glass collection and recycling, the measures they have put in place to make the collection of glass more convenient for the consumer, and how they have worked with the rest of the value chain to achieve higher recycling targets.

Source: https://closetheglassloop.eu

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