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Coordinated and overseen by ACR+, the work on a comprehensive and extensive online toolkit will bring together 6 REThinkWASTE project partners, experts in their own domains.

This toolkit is expected to draw a lot of attention from cities and regions interested in the concepts of Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) and Know-As-You-Throw (KAYT) as it would offer guidance through the implementation phase of such schemes. This modular toolkit will be composed of six modules, each developed by one of the project partners experienced in the domains of technological and technical requirements for a tariff-based scheme, awareness raising measures, privacy management, green public procurement, management and normative criteria and business plans.

While the official launch of the toolkit is planned for late 2021, the testing phase is expected to take place already in summer. It will be an opportunity for ACR+ members to be among the pioneers to test the toolkit and send their feedback in order to finetune and modify the toolkit and have it as suitable for use and exploitation by ACR+ members as possible.

Technically, the toolkit is imagined to have certain self-assessment features, offering a set of questions for the user to answer, which would guide the user through different stages of implementing a PAYT or KAYT scheme. Beside the self-assessment and guidance feature, the toolkit will also be providing necessary material, literature, case studies, examples of good practices and more as the user progresses through the modules. The session would end with a recap of the user’s current distance from a successful implementation of a PAYT or KAYT, as well as a tailor made suggestion based on the answers provided by the user.



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