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The second part of the EPR Club International conference entitled “EPR as an instrument to tackle microplastics pollution?" took place on 24th of February in the form of webinar. Unlike the first webinar, which was aimed towards problem setting – understanding of microplastics and potential measures to address it, the second webinar was focused on EPR as a policy instrument.  

The event, initiated by the EPR Club members ACR+, DSD, and SUEZ, together with EurEau, welcomed panellists from different sectors to share their positions and experiences. Participants had a chance to learn about the EPR as an instrument to tackle the issue of microplastics in water, and especially about its relevance for the costs of additional wastewater treatment triggered by microplastics.

Panel discussion provided an opportunity for an interactive exchange on main obstacles in implementation of EPR schemes to tackle microplastics pollution, another policy instruments to be used complementary to the EPR, and better sharing of responsibilities. The panel agreed on the need for holistic approaches based on diversity of policy tools and on the polluter-pays principle.

You can find the recording and presentations here.

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