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The EPR Club members gathered online on 28 January 2021 to discuss the results of the EPR Club’s work in 2020 and to agree on activities to be carried out in 2021.

The members shared the common position that despite the COVID-19 pandemic and all restrictions and limitations it still entails, with joint efforts it will be possible to give a good momentum to the activities of the EPR Club in 2021. The members agreed on the following approach: 2021 will be the year of virtual activities of the EPR Club. This means that a series of lunch debates will be organised during the year as open events. In addition, one bigger event is envisaged to be organised during the EU Green Week. Although dates and topics of the events will be the subject of further agreement among the EPR Club’s members, the following issues have been identified as the most relevant: EPR for litter-items, EPR for mattresses, EPR for textile, reuse and reparability in EPR schemes, 2nd CEAP (Circular Economy Action Plan) of the EU, and amendment of Packaging Directive.

Minutes of the meeting are now available online to EPR Club members. Please note that ACR+ members are automatically members of the EPR Club. Should you want an access to the member space of the EPR Club website, please contact Danko Aleksic (Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.).

Source: www.eprclub.eu

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