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During the Baltic Circular Procurement Congress, ACR+ and its member Circular Flanders co-hosted a workshop on “Supporting circular procurement for construction, furniture and ICTs” introducing the ProCirc project and some of its recent developments. The workshop gathered about 40 representatives of public authorities, suppliers or other experts. It presented the stakes and challenges faced by the three sectors of construction, furniture and ICTs, the main activities foreseen within the ProCirc project, existing cases of circular procurement in those sectors, as well as the tools currently being gathered to support public authorities throughout the procurement process and addressing specific product categories. Discussions addressed various topics amongst which the bottlenecks faced by public buyers regarding circular procurement, the development of communities of practice to bring together procurers and suppliers, as well as the possibility to launch pilots in some of the sectors covered by ProCirc. Particular attention was given to the vision adopted by the public authority in order to stir circularity within the procurement process, with the example of the “circular ambition map” experimented in the Flemish region.

Presentations from this workshop and other sessions of the Congress are available at https://cpcongress.eu


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