Hosted by London Remade
Supported by the Mayor of London, the London Development Agency, London Councils, Defra and the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management

Thursday 31 January & Friday 1st February 2008
Royal Institute of British Architects
66 Portland Place, London, W1

Programme - English - French - Spanish

Submitted papers not presented at the conference can be downloaded below (see end of page).


DAY 1 - Thursday 31 January 2008

Session 1: the impact of waste management on climate change

Session 2: life-cycle analysis and other methods of impact assessment

Session 3: energy balance of waste prevention and reuse

Session 4: energy balance of recycling

DAY 2 - Friday 1 February 2008

Session 5: energy balance of organic and residual waste management

Session 6: energy balance of waste collection and transport

  • Closing speech - Jean-Pierre Hannequart (President, ACR+, Belgium) - Available soon

Submitted papers not presented at the conference (compiled per topic):

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