ACR+ website on sustainable consumption





What are the links between waste and resources? Which specific role could local and regional authorities play in the sustainable management of resources? Why and how could they encourage their constituencies to consume differently and efficiently? To participate more in selective waste collections?

These are some of the questions addressed in Resourcities, a website launched in 2003 by ACR+, the Association of Cities and Regions for Recycling & sustainable Resource management. It presents a wealth of information about the interest of waste prevention at source and of recycling. This information is tailored for local and regional authorities. Many links relate to original research and policy reports, and useful websites.

The website is the gateway to other useful outputs from the "Sustainable Consumption in Cities" project. The 14 and 15 March 2003, a Citizen's Parliament on  "Sustainable Consumption"  was organised in Brussels (click on the title to download the programme).

A downloadable brochure in 5 languages presents the relations between current ways of life and the consumption of natural resources. It complements the exhibition "The Earth, a user's guide: consuming products without waste and recycled products". This exhibition was a supporting tool for cities' communication strategies on waste prevention and recycling. Views of the exhibition are visible on the Resourcities website.

 Important warning: this website was part of the European project Resourcities which came to an end in December 2003. It remains available for its general content but it is no longer updated.

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