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The HOOP project – Hub of circular cities bOOsting Platform to foster investments for the valorisation of urban biowaste and wastewater – is about investing in local initiatives to extract valuable resources from urban biowaste and wastewater in order to make innovative bio-based products.

Project co-funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 programme, 2020 - 2024



The HOOP Network of Cities and Regions counts more than 100 members that, in this last part of the project, will be involved in many exchange activities such as monthly online webinars, national workshops in the Lighthouses territories, one-to-one meetings with the HOOP technical experts and especially the HOOP Cities and Policy Conference, which will be held in Brussels on 4th - 5th June 2024. It's not too late to be part of the Network and have access to all the services designed for the HOOP members. All the information about the HOOP Network is available here.

More information:
Jean-Benoît Bel
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