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An international conference “Towards circular plastics – how to bridge existing gaps?” took place on 22 November 2017 at the European Parliament in Brussels. The event was organised on the initiative of ACR+, CITEO, DSD and SUEZ, members of the EPR Club, in collaboration with the European Parliament Intergroup on “Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development” and was hosted by MEP Pavel Poc (Chair of the EP Intergroup) and MEP Fredrick Federley (Chair of the Circular Economy and Raw Materials Working Group).

The conference included a keynote speech from DG Environment of the European Commission, followed by panel debates giving an overview of three different phases of the plastics circle: production, (post-) consumption and recovery. Representatives from industry, NGOs and public authorities gave their perspective on the current challenges to circularity of plastics and shared their vision for closing the existing gaps. Participants further enriched the discussions by sharing their opinions in the questions and answer sessions that followed each panel.

The presentations and a summary report of the main messages and discussions will soon be published on the EPR Club website.

The next step for the EPR Club is the annual EPR Club Planning meeting taking place on 14 December 2017 at 10:00 in Brussels, at ACR+ offices. This meeting is the occasion to review the year 2017 and plan the upcoming year 2018 by deciding on the general strategy, main focus and activities for the year ahead.

The event is open for EPR Club and ACR+ members. If you wish to participate, please inform the EPR Club Secretariat (Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser.).

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