ACR+ is leading the development of the Green Sport Hub project’s Self-Assessment Tool. Helping to create a baseline for sport organisations’ environmental performances, the tool allows users to identify potential activities and objectives for improving their performances and transition towards greener practices and enables them to measure and assess their performances on a regular basis. With its awareness raising features, the project hopes for provoking a new paradigm among sport organisations.

The tool will be composed of a set of questions assigned to various modules, including both operational and governance activities, that would enable the sport organisations to receive a self-generated evaluation, recommendations and targeted literature for improving their capacities and skills. This literature would be publicly available and would be composed of existing manuals, guidelines and handbooks. 2022 will be dedicated to the tool’s development and testing before its launch in 2023.

ACR+ members and their local sport clubs and other organisations will be invited to join the testing phase if they wish during the second half of 2022.

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