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Hosted and opened by the city of Porto, the INTHERWASTE meeting held on 16-17 October 2019 unveiled the five action plans carefully developed and tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of the five pilot cities – Tallinn, Krakow, Cordoba, Ibiza, and Porto.

Partners discussed various legislative documents identified by the cities to undergo adaptations and modifications aiming to enable infrastructural, logistical, or procedural changes.

Most improvements attempt to make waste disposal and collection less visible through buildings and facilities turned into “waste rooms” and to enhance circular economy principles locally via new pathways for bulky waste.

The meeting also included several study visits of the areas the city of Porto identified for the implementation of their new practices in the Ribeira heritage area. Participants could see the current waste management practices and what is expected from the implementation of the action plan. Project partners also started to look at the Final Conference set to take place in Cordoba in June 2020

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