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Reusable nappies in day nurseries

In the municipality of Sant Cugat del Vallès around 2% of the municipal waste comes from nappies. In order to reduce waste from nappies Sant Cugat municipality initiated in 2007, with the support of the Agencia de Residuos de Cataluña, a pilot project on reusable nappies in 2 nurseries.  After a few months the experience was extended to all the other municipal nurseries.  Each nursery receives reusable nappies. The project involves directly each family because children wear reusable nappies when they leave the nursery, and nappies have to be returned the following day in a plastic bag in order to be washed. Parents receive also clean reusable nappies (for free) which they can put on the child from home. The municipality organizes the reusable nappies collection and cleaning service 5 days per week, corresponding to the opening hours of the nursery. Sant Cugat Municipality estimates that during the first year each child needs 7 nappies a day and the second year needs 5 nappies a days. In total 5.000-7.000 nappies on average are used during the first 2.5 year of a child. The total amount of waste on nappies produced in 2.5 years by a child is average 900-1100 kg of waste.


General data




Sant Cugat del Vallès / Catalonia



Waste generated (kg/inh/y)

750 of which 2% nappies (= 15 kg)

Waste prevention activity data

Waste flow Nappy waste
Strategy Swapping to reusable nappies
Scale Roll out
Pilot project
Year(s) of tde project development 2007
Participation target 1st year: 49 pupils at the nursery Sant Cugat del Valles (2006-2007) 2nd year: 228 pupils ( 2007- 2008) extended to all the municipal nurseries
Waste reduction target Reduce 150 Kg/pupil/y or 34 Tonnes/ year
Participation rate 228 pupils
Waste quantities reduced (2007-2008): prevented 111.720 nappies or 126 Kg/pupil/year or +/- 28 Tonnes)
Budget 1st year: 70.000 € grant from the Catalan Waste Agency to promote the project .Cost for each reusable nappy : 0, 38 € (2006-07), 0,32 € (2007-08),

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