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Pre-waste final conference in Brussels: experts from Europe find out more on waste prevention practices and tools

07 November 2012 Press releases


On 7 November, over 200 experts from European cities and regions gathered at the Committee of the Regions, in Brussels (Belgium), in order to find out more about the results of the Pre-waste project.

The European Waste and Resource Days (8-7/11/2012), organised by ACR+, Brussels Environment, the Committee of the Regions and the RREUSE network, were a key momentum to share expertise on waste prevention among local and regional authorities and other waste prevention experts from Europe.

On the first day, the Pre-waste final conference delivered the outcomes of the Pre-waste project, that aimed at developing tools to help local and regional decision makers to prepare their waste prevention plans, in particular:

  • A methodology for designing and implementing waste prevention plans and actions
  • A glimpse of waste prevention best practices
  • Waste prevention indicators and a monitoring web tool
  • Results of Pre-waste partners’ feasibility studies on the transfer of some of the Pre-waste best practices presented in parallel workshops. A poster session allowed participants to have a look at all these feasibility studies even though they followed another workshop.

Moreover, high level representatives of cities, regions and associations debated on what waste prevention instruments to choose at local or regional level, highlighting some of the most successful examples of waste prevention strategies involving legal, communication, voluntary and economic instruments.

On the second day, ACR+ held its annual General Assembly altogether with a conference focusing on quantified objectives and performances for recycling and economic instruments for waste management, followed by a thematic seminar on reuse addressing legal, organisational and socio-economical aspects of reuse activities.

Pre-waste is a 3-year project (2010-2012) co-financed by the INTERREG IV C program. It gathers ten European partners and is aimed at helping local and regional authorities to improve their waste prevention policies.

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