A report has been published by ACR+ member WRAP regarding the final achievements by signatories to the voluntary Hospitality and Food Service Agreement (HaFSA), developed and managed by WRAP of behalf of UK governments.
According to the report UK businesses involved in the Agreement have saved an estimated £67 million through their combined actions to prevent food waste over the three year period from 2012 to 2015.
HaFSA signatories reduced by 11% the food and packaging waste for their sector, saving an estimated 24,000 tonnes of food from being thrown away. Redistribution of surplus food has also doubled during the agreement to 760 tonnes, equivalent to 1.5 million meals. Moreover HaFSA signatories worked to increase the combined rate of food and packaging waste recycled, sent to anaerobic digestion or composted to at least 70% for their sector.
Source: www.wrap.org.uk