According to ACR+ member, North London Waste Authority (NLWA), more and more North London residents are wrongly disposing of used nappies in their recycling bins wasting tonnes of recycling each year. In the last six months more than 1,600 tonnes of recycling had to be thrown away in North London because of contamination by non-recyclable items, including used baby and adult nappies.

The NLWA is calling on big nappy companies to do more to stop nappy contamination in a letter sent to major brands on 22 November 2016. In North London disposable nappies cannot be recycled – even if the packaging says they are biodegradable. This means people working in refuse collection have to personally pick used nappies out of the recycling by hand. The NLWA also warned if recycling bins are contaminated with non-recyclable rubbish, including nappies, residents may find their recycling bins don’t get collected, leaving them with excess waste in the home.


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