ACR+ member EMULSA (the municipal company for waste management and urban upkeep of the city of Gijón) is coordinating its annual plan of underground waste containers while renovating the streets of the municipality.

Until 2016 the municipality of Gijón counted 159 underground collection points distributed in 73 different locations. These amounted in total to 477 selective collection containers (159 of each of the following types: paper, glass and packaging) and 161 containers of residual waste. Lately, the municipal company dedicated much of its investments to different campaigns aiming at burying these waste collection point, with the double objective of eliminating their visual impact and removing the limiting schedule existing for citizens to take out the garbage bags.

According to this annual plan, more than 200 underground containers should be installed during the year, which will increase by 35.5% their number.

Source: http://cuidadoambiental.gijon.es

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